Session Types and Contribution instructions
Please contribute to ETALEE 2015, "Exploring Teaching for Active Learning in Engineering Education". Please choose between a design a Hands-on Workshop, contribute in one of the Active Explore sessions or participate with an Active Poster. If you wish to contribute to one or more of the session types, you must submit an abstract, using the abstract template. Full paper submission is an option for accepted abstracts (please see General info).
See Session types for more specific information on each contribution type.
Design a Hands-on Workshop session
The author submits a proposal for an active Hands-on Workshop session about how to use active learning in engineering education. The author will facilitate the session which must follow the session structure.
Contribute to an Active Explore session
In the Active Explore session we are in a deeper sense seeking answers to the question: Why does Active Learning work to support efficient learning in Engineering Education? Each session is run and structured by two facilitators.
Participate in an Active Poster session
You contribute by outlining your ideas and examples from Active Learning in an innovative and inter-Active Poster session.
How to submit a contribution?
ETALEE2015 uses EasyChair to manage contributions - please use this link to EasyChair for submission.
Schedule and deadlines